Mayer J, Stock KF, Swalve HH (2024).
Evaluation of genetic variants proposed as myopathy risk factors in relation to sport performance in riding horses.
75. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) on September 1-5, 2024, in Florence / Italy.
Stock KF, Reents R (2020).
Verfügbare Anwendungen zur Pferdegesundheit (Available applications for equine health management) [in German].
9. Horse Workshop 'Neue Herausforderungen für die Pferdezucht und -haltung (New challenges for breeding and keeping of horses)' on February 18 - 19, 2020, in Bad Bevensen / Germany.
Stock KF, Wobbe M, Reents M (2017).
Gesundheitsdatenbank für Pferde - Stand und Perspektiven (Health data base for horses - status and perspectives) [in German].
EQUITAG 2017 - Special seminar for breeding, management and evaluation of horses on November 14, 2017, in Göttingen / Germany.
Stock KF (2016).
Gemeinsamer Einsatz für die Pferde-Gesundheit: Start der Datenerfassung für die zentrale Gesundheitsdatenbank für Pferde (Joint efforts for equine health: start of data recording for the central health data base for horses) [in German].
Information article for horse breeders, dating from 22 June 2016.
Stock KF (2015).
Neue Konzepte zur Phänotyp-Erschließung - am Beispiel zentrale Gesundheitsdatenbank für Pferde (New concepts of phenotyping - using the central equine health data base as an example) [in German].
32. Annual meeting of the Association for promotion of research on sport horses (Verein zur Förderung der Forschung im Pferdesport e.V., FFP) on April 17-19, 2015, in Vechta / Germany.
Stock KF, Sarnowski S, Kalm E, Reents R (2015).
Gesundheitsdatenbank für Pferde (Equine health database) [in German].
Göttinger Horse Days (GöttingerPferdetage) on March 10-11, 2015, in Göttingen / Germany.
Stock KF, Sarnowski S, Kalm E, Reents R (2014).
Systematization of recording and use of equine health data and its potential for horse breeding.
65. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) on August 25-29, 2014, in Copenhagen / Denmark.
Sarnowski S, Stock KF, Kalm E, Reents R (2014).
Aufbau einer Gesundheitsdatenbank für Pferde (Implementation of a health data base for horses) [in German].
7. Horse Workshop "Neue Herausforderungen für die Pferdezucht und -haltung (New challenges for breeding and keeping of horses)" on February 18-19, 2014, in Uelzen / Germany; DGfZ publication no. 64.
Jönsson L, Näsholm A, Roepstorff L, Egenvall A, Dalin G, Philipsson J (2013).
How to use veterinarian information from Swedish young horse quality tests to improve health and durability.
Seminar of the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses (WBFSH) on Oktober 7, 2013, in Warsaw / Poland.
Sarnowski S, Stock KF (2013).
Standardized recording of equine health data in Germany.
Seminar 'Research developments in horse breeding for improved health' on September 19, 2013, in Uppsala / Sweden.
Sarnowski S, Stock KF, Kalm E (2013).
Standardisierte Erfassung von Gesundheitsdaten beim Pferde (Standardized recording of health data in horses) [in German]).
Annual meeting of the German Association for Animal Breeding (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Züchtungskunde, DGfZ) and the German Society for Animal Science (Gesellschaft für Tierzuchtwissenschaften, GfT) on September 4-5, 2013, in Göttingen / Germany.
Stock KF (2012).
Gesundheitsmerkmale in der Pferdezucht (Health traits in horse breeding).
7. Forum of the Holstein Young Breeders on December 1, 2012, in Elmshorn / Germany.